When scanning the variety of news wire services, you have many options from which you can choose your favorite. The most common news wire services will be through your news source’s mobile app. If you do not have a favorite, you can find a list of press release sites from which you can do your research and discover which is the best news source to fit your needs.
Your first decision has to be the kind of news that you are looking for. You have oodles of options. In terms of news wire services, you can opt for the Reuters newswire or the Dow Jones news wire. You can also look for specific genres, if an overall news theme is not to your liking. You can find a sports news wire, a Christian news wire or a business news wire.
However, if you are really taking the time to look through the various news wire services, there is a good chance that you are looking for a more all encompassing, unbiased news source. I would immediately suggest you stay away from the big news sites, they will all have a spin. Your absolute best option comes from the Associated Press news wire services.
If you are not familiar with the AP, I suggest you investigate their mobile app. The AP has been around for almost 150 years, has won dozens of Pulitzer prizes for its photography and reporting, and their news reports are included in almost all major news corporations’ publications. They hold their reporters and writers to vigorous standards, ensuring that their stories are unbiased, unfiltered. They provide news for news’ sake. They have no agenda, they have no spin. They are the ultimate in honest news resources.
The reporters working for the Associated Press are scattered across the globe, providing coverage of all global events, for every country to benefit from. To the AP, there is no such thing as global news, because everything is local to them. They are everywhere in order to capture everything. It is that mind set that has allowed them to become one of the top most reliable and trusted news organizations in the world, and should therefore be why you look to the Associated Press news wire services for your primary news source.