Need your news distributed? What kind of news do you have? Never thought about it? You just figured that you would submit your news to some global news wires and be done with it, right? Well, there are certainly more than just global news wires out there, and if you can narrow your news down, you may actually see its distribution reach a larger audience. Global news is an awfully big genre, think about some more specific categories instead.
- Regional
- Business
- Entertainment
Just because you are not thinking on a global scale for your news anymore, does not mean you should not be choosing a location for your news to pertain to. If it is relevant, submit your story to Canada news wires so that those in Canada, and those looking for Canadian news, will get it. The same can be said for America, or even specific states. If the location is the most appropriate topic of news. Find the right regional wire service to send the press release to.
Does your news pertain to the economy or business? Then some business news wires are your best bet. Think about what the people searching for business news would like to read. Would your news interest them? Would it be intriguing and worthwhile for them to hear the story? Or would it make them shake their heads quizzically and wonder why the news would have been included in business news?
Entertainment news wires could seem like one of the broader categories, as virtually anything can be considered entertaining. But they are usually allocated to stories about celebrities, new movies, music, and events that revolve around those things. Though you may expect that you have a chance of getting news in this topic, think it through. If it is not more shocking and outrageous than what Miley Cyrus is doing, it may not get picked up.
There are other choices from global news wires. If you can think smaller, you will have less news to contend with, and therefore see a better chance to get your news distributed. Sure, it would be neat to see your news on a global level, but what are the chances of it happening?