These systems make use of mobile credentials. The person who visits the building that has shared amenities, apartments, or any other security needs at the front doors will use the directory to search for the names of other businesses or individuals. Then , they press the button. A notification appears on a designated mobile device that lets people inside know that they are at the entrance into the building. You can tap on the URL for a single-way video chat with the person who is trying to gain entry. The person in the building can see those trying to gain entry but the person who wants to get in cannot. One tap unlocks the door or the front gate. One can turn someone into a guest by giving them an access code, and then allowing the guest to access your property regularly. This gate code is valid only on designated time or days. To gain entry, people may use an entry keyfob (or a specific gate code) to unlock the door. Smartphones that are compatible with NFC as well as blue-tooth will unlock the gate and front door. bv4nr7o4b3.