Brian Iroff is the second generation leader of Iroff and Son Jewelers, an award winning diamond and jewelry store. Iroff and Son has been servicing and providing the highest quality diamonds, gemstones and jewelry to its local community in Atlanta, Georgia since 1982. Brian took a moment to discuss his experiences and insight into the jewelry business.
Why did you decide to start your own business, other than of course to make money?
Brian Iroff: Iroff and Son was actually established back in September 1982 in Atlanta, Georgia by my father John. He had been in the jewelry industry with his father in law Bernard Abramson of Columbus, Georgia, since 1968. After becoming a Graduate Gemologist and master jeweler, I joined the family store in 1987. We have kept this third generation jewelry store going to deliver the highest standards, quality and ethics to serve the public.
What steps did you take to acquire the skills and background necessary to run this kind of business?
BI: I attended GIA to become a Graduate Gemologist. This is actually the most prestigious credential in the entire industry. The GIA Graduate Gemologist program gave me a new level of understanding when it came to diamonds and colored stones. You can become successful no matter where you choose to do business.
Through this program, I learned how to grade diamonds accurately and consistently throughout different color ranges. I also learned how to use a microscope, a refractometer, a polariscope, as well as other gemological equipment.
What did this teach you about identifying different diamonds and gemstones?
BI: A lot! One thing it showed me was the path that diamonds and gems take during their trip from the mine to the market. The work that goes into them is extraordinary, and greatly increases their value. It also teaches how to identify hundreds of unusual and common gemstones, and differentiate them from the synthetics and fakes that are out there. I learned how to speak the “language” of gemstones fluently, confidently and accurately. People in the diamond business know when someone does not know what they are talking about. With this kind of background, I am able to speak well both to other jewelers, and to the everyday customer!
Brian Iroff is the owner of Iroff and Son Jewelers, which is located in Alpharetta, Georgia. Those that are interested in visiting or purchasing high quality diamonds and gemstones can visit the store online at www.iroff.com, or in person at 3960 Old Milton Pkwy, Alpharetta, GA 30005. Iroff and Son Jewelers can also be reached by phone at 770.751.7222. Good refereneces. Ger more information on this topic here. Continue.
Diamonds, emeralds and sapphires oh MY! I should show this store to my girl, she would LOVE IT!
What a cool business to be in. You get to hang around the most prized possessions in the world all day long.
What a cool business to be in. You get to hang around the most prized possessions in the world all day long.
What a cool business to be in. You get to hang around the most prized possessions in the world all day long.
What a cool business to be in. You get to hang around the most prized possessions in the world all day long.
What a cool business to be in. You get to hang around the most prized possessions in the world all day long.