During our latest interview with Christina L. Veschi, VP of Business Operations at EdgeAccess, Inc, we learned what motivated her to rise to the VP level and what brings her the most joy in her job at EdgeAccess.
What made you want to rise to become a VP of a business?
Christina L. Veschi: I wanted to be the final authority when it came to business decisions. In my previous life people with no real-world experience in my area of expertise were the final decision makers and quite often made the wrong decision. I further wanted to work with only the people and organizations that I choose to work with as opposed to having those relationship dictated to me as well. At the end of the day, the bottom line is I wanted to be in a position to focus on the service that we provide as opposed to the bottom line. My philosophy has always been if you take care of your customers your bottom line will take care of itself.
What is the biggest challenge when it comes to running EdgeAccess?
Christina L. Veschi: I would have to say the technology and employees are the easy part, it is the unknown factors that create challenge.
What is the biggest reward of being a VP?
Christina L. Veschi: The greatest reward of all is the ability to give the customers exactly what we promise, and being in the position to make that call without permission from someone else that would most certainly take a shortcut to save a few pennies.
What’s the most frustrating part of your job?
Christina L. Veschi: Finding and attracting good quality employees who are interested in more than just a paycheck, employees who connect the dots between performance, delivery, and success.
What makes for a bad day on the job?
Christina L. Veschi: The worst day in anyone’s life as a business owner is when they fail to perform. My word is my bond. When factors outside of my control alter a commitment I made, it is a very bad day indeed. We all have our failures, but I strive to make mine very few and very far between.
Let’s end on a positive note! Please describe your best day as a VP.
Christina L. Veschi: The life of a business owner is akin to Bill Murray in the movie Groundhog Day. My best day as a business owner comes each and every time we successfully complete a project. And each and every time we deliver something to a customer, we do it better, the project goes smoothly, and the feeling of satisfaction is even greater than the last one! The satisfaction that comes along with giving the customer a tool that will reduce their workload and make their employees more efficient and at the same time allow them to do more with less can only be described as AWESOME! There is no feeling in the world like the feeling you get when you accomplish a goal that you set for yourself.
For over 11 years, EdgeAccess, Inc has been providing state of the art video monitoring services to its clients from Odessa, FL. To learn more about how this company can help you, visit www.edgeaccess.net
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